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Comm’ant Forms release notes

v 3.6.4

Date: december 2023

In this minor update, we have again made some improvements and fixed bugs.

Extensions and improvements

  • Action group selected by default at action creation if set at action.
  • The administrator can change the action holder of an action.
  • The default group for an action in admin is now also selected by default when creating an action.
  • Deleted items in drop downs are now visible again in forms when selected.
  • Graphs based on a value from an array gave no result in some cases. This has been fixed.
  • Related queries from actions were not showing in all cases. This has been resolved.
  • Order of graphs on dashboards is saved correctly.
  • Links to attachments in an export to MS Word/PDF are now opened correctly.
  • Date/time calculations now also work for read-only queries.
  • If a TAB is used in an answer, then this is now also fully exported to MS Word/PDF.
  • Copies of forms with attachments now work correctly.
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