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Comm’ant Forms release notes

v 3.6.2

Date: March 2023

Version 3.6.2 contains a few functional enhancements. In addition, several issues have been fixed.

Extensions and improvements

  • QR codes and barcodes can be created in a Word template for a form report.
  • Attachments and drawings from another form can be read in via a report dataset.
  • In a Word form report, the line numbers for a matrix can be omitted.
  • Actions can now also be set in a matrix rule.
  • Form export control standardized:
  • Form export from open form contains only the fields visible to the user.
  • When a form report is sent automatically in the route as an attachment in the mail, all fields in the report template are filled.

Bug fixes

  • When plotting an action to ‘users of group’, the list of users was not displayed alphabetically.
  • In a matrix, when using report dataset, the link to the underlying form was not shown after saving.
  • Option ‘Export form’ is now not shown until the form is saved.
  • Images in public form did not work correctly.
  • Leading zeros in a date calculation are now equal to leading zeros in other date questions.
  • Date calculation did not always work correctly in the first version.
  • Date field with invalid year was sometimes allowed.
  • Date field in report dataset sometimes had wrong layout.
  • Scrolling at a subform (matrix line) did not work properly in a public form.
  • For a linear or radial graph, ‘Question for distribution’ is no longer required.
  • Check for minimum and maximum desired value gave wrong color for a completed form.
  • Word form report for a checkbox showed value instead of text of the selected question.
  • If ‘Show actions’ was on for a report dataset it gave an error message.
  • In a matrix, after linking another form via a report dataset, the link to the linked form disappeared.
  • &-signs in an action were not saved properly, causing some links to stop working.
  • Image was cropped in some cases after drawing on photo.
  • Start date when automatically starting form was not correct in some cases.
  • Improvement in overview ‘My forms’ immediately after changing groups.
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