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Comm’ant Forms release notes
v 3.7.0 t/m 3.7.4
Date: februari 2025
With this major release of Comm’ant Forms, the entire application architecture has been modified while implementing numerous enhancements.
Release 3.7.4
Improvements and bug fixes
- Support for showing a table in the help information of a question.
- The overview “All closed actions” can now be used in the Power BI link.
- Special characters in options of questions are better displayed in mails in the route.
- In overviews of open actions in “My actions” the columns “Closed on” and “Closed by” are no longer shown.
- A preview of an image attached to an action is now shown even if the file extension contains uppercase letters.
- When setting an urgent reminder, the “After” and “Repeat Every” fields are now indicated as mandatory.
- It is no longer possible to move a question while editing a new item.
- Charts with filter period “Fixed dates” work properly again.
- Preventing downloads in the iOS PWA works again.
- Lists can be edited by an administrator with the French language.
- The setting of the checkmark “Default export as attachment” for a mail in route is now always saved correctly.
- For specific server settings, filtering or sorting on the “Received From” column in “My forms” – “In progress” could give an error message.
Release 3.7.3
Improvements and bug fixes
- Survey changes are now recorded when forwarding from Step Start.
- The speed of some reports has been improved.
- Checkbox based permissions now also work properly in Standard export.
- In a translation with “Override existing translation” on, the “Value” of options such as dropdowns is now also overwritten.
- Permissions of type “Field” could have an incorrect reference after copying to another form type.
- An action of a deleted form opens again without error message.
- “Register Changes” now also records changes made by the survey recipient in the first step.
- The link to the “Forgot Password” page from before version 3.7.0 is now redirected to the new location.
- Email templates in a language other than Dutch and English no longer give an error message when opened.
- Pasting of HTML text has been improved.
- Translation of options on radio buttons and dropdowns on a public form with the language in the URL now works correctly.
Release 3.7.2
Improvements and bug fixes
- For an action, you can now select a group to be informed about the creation and closure of the action.
- The action popup at “My actions” now also shows the answers of related questions.
- The default export did not work properly if there were permissions of type “Step in route” on a question.
- Specific report exports could give an error.
- The color picker did not work properly when pressing enter.
- The auxiliary information of a component in a matrix was shown as a column in the default export.
- In the matrix table in a mail in route, a conditional dropdown of type List could show the wrong value.
- There was an error when deleting a saved attachment from a matrix.
- The dataset popup gave an error in a completely empty environment with no form types.
- Form export did not work in the popup of a report dataset.
- When opening a form, an incorrect validation message could be shown for a formula.
- The step “End” was sometimes shown without a capital letter in the history table.
Release 3.7.1
Improvements and bug fixes
- Choosing a text color has been improved. Typing in a hex code and reapplying the last chosen color are now possible.
- Showing of read attachments was not going well in specific cases, this is now fixed.
- Initial value field is shown correctly when question type is changed.
- Check for changed fields in form type properties has been disabled for older versions that cannot be edited.
- Display of special characters in file names and email improved.
- Fixed error when filtering dataset.
- Fixed problems with search filter in import list.
- Set brand color was not properly displayed on mobile device on login page. This has been fixed.
- Popup for copying a completed form also opens on smaller screens.
- Formatting and validation at ‘Forgot password’ improved.
- An image pasted from the clipboard into an e-mail was not always sent correctly, this has been solved.
- The search function works properly again for multilingual form types.
- Microsoft SSO functionality improved.
- Graph type “Pareto” renamed to “Mixed” where this was not yet the case.
- It is now possible to add an image to auxiliary information of a field.
- Control values for a formula are applied immediately when opening a new form.
- “Name in link” of a public form is now displayed properly immediately after activating a version.
- In specific settings an automatic form type was sent too often, this has been fixed.
- Display of new elements in the form design when the browser is zoomed out has been improved.
Release 3.7.0
We have made many small improvements to make using Comm’ant Forms even smoother.
- A multi-line text box automatically grows to the required height for the number of lines used.
- The validation of required fields in the Comm’ant Forms management has been clarified.
- Images can now be added directly to the question text using the Image Browser.
- When adding recipients to a mail in route, a ; is automatically inserted if necessary.
- For the Y-axis of graphs, it is now possible to set the start value and end value yourself.
- When changing the user’s own language, the page is immediately reloaded with the new language.
- In survey e-mail messages, you can now also use the “System Values” button to insert the relevant tags.
- While a help information popup is open it is not possible to scroll or open other popups. You have to close the popup first.
- The numbering of the form number after activating the first version now starts at 1, instead of continuing at the last number of the test forms.
- If no results are found when filtering in a dataset, a clear message is displayed.
- After modifying the design of a matrix, the display in the parent design is immediately refreshed upon closing.
- The validation on the number of characters is directly displayed while typing. In case of an invalid number, the current number is displayed in addition to the limit.
- If the reminder fields in a survey are not mapped, the reminder is sent to the original recipient.
- It is now possible to change the order of permissions. This does not affect functionality, but can provide more overview.
- The set column widths at “My actions” and “My forms” are saved per user.
- When switching between route and form design, the scroll position is remembered as long as no changes are made.
- The different views at “My forms” and “My actions” are now displayed in tabs.
- In a Word export, a matrix can now display multiple questions and other text in one cell.
- When activating a form type, its properties are now also saved automatically.
- When choosing another tab from the Properties tab in form management, you get a warning if there are adjustments that have not been saved.
- System values for a mail in route can now also be added directly to the subject.
- In groups, the property “Administrative group” has been dropped.
- Profile photos in users and groups have been removed due to limited use and usefulness.
- “Show history” table has been improved. It now shows from which step and to which step was forwarded.
- When adding an option to a list, the focus goes back to the description so you can type right back in.
- The order of attachments when uploading multiple attachments at once is now more consistent.
- The input field for help information for an item has been made larger.
Bug fixes
- After copying a matrix into the form design, reports with questions from the matrix did not work properly.
- When reopening a report in a form where that report had already been shown before saving, you could not close the report.
- Charts handle better when deleting a question that was used in the chart.
- The labels at a fixed date filter at a chart are now visible.
- Report dataset was not working with attachments from a matrix.
- Survey management and message system buttons are now more resistant to double clicking.
- Reading dates from Excel into a dataset or survey has been improved.
- It is possible to read a checkbox without options from a survey dataset.
- The “Type” column when mapping the survey was not always correct. This has been removed.
- If two fields are mapped to the same question when mapping a survey, the survey is now just sent. Only the first mapping is used.
- If a message like “Target Group” has a question in form, the confirmation table is no longer shown. This always remained empty. These confirmations can be registered by using the “Copy to question” option.
- Under certain circumstances it could happen that you could add two new Components to the form design at the same time. This has been fixed.
- Under certain circumstances, the form design could keep scrolling due to the position of the cursor. This has been fixed.
- Refresh menu when resizing graphs has been improved.
- When double-clicking the handles for resizing the route, a popup opened.
- References to incorrect dataset when importing from library are removed.
- Validation by date now also checks if the selected day exists in the selected month (June 31 is invalid).
- Lists where “Sort” is checked are sorted correctly in every language.
- After removing an option from a list, the “Value” remained.
- The permissions check of dataset in an array was not correct after the first step.
- Validation of file types at upload fields in management improved.
- When deleting an arrow at a Choice in the route that was not saved before you got an error.
- Rights did not work with steps in the route with a ‘ in the name.
- “Copy question” did not work properly with dropdowns with ‘Read only’.
- For lists, under certain circumstances it was possible for two options to get the same ID behind the screens.
- A tag in route mail did not work if the question text contains a # character.
- Report dataset was not working properly with decimal numbers.
- The report dataset link button was sometimes displayed with an empty field.
- Register changes did not work well for checkboxes.
- “Copy from” a form did not work with matrix across versions.
- A deleted user was sometimes selectable with lists of users from groups.
- A matrix with required fields could not be saved as a data corrector without filling in all required fields.
- The link to a public form was not updated immediately after revision.
- Under certain circumstances, there could be duplicate login names or user names. This caused problems in several places. This is now no longer possible.
- When copying a form design including the route, references to questions in the mails were not updated.
- The check for permissions when changing the name of a step in the route has been simplified.
- The change of the name of a step in the route was not implemented for permissions within an array.
- The key field of a dataset was case sensitive when entered manually.
- Deleting a form without deleting linked actions could cause errors in My Actions.
- The “Today” button could not be used when choosing a plan date for a new action.
- A report with a filter of operator “contains” on a date/time query could give an error.
- Deleting a copied attachment could give an error under specific circumstances.
- It was not possible to create a dataset in a new environment in which no form types existed yet.
- It was possible to enter an invalid date when completing an action. The action was then not closed properly.
- Adding a question to a report was not possible for more than about 80 questions.
- If you tried to export a report before it was fully loaded you could get an error.
- The link to a new attachment in a matrix no longer worked immediately after saving the form.
- Copying a link did not work properly in the mail of a survey.
- When sending a survey without mapping to a question you got an error.
- When editing the times of reminders of a survey, the time could jump or new lines could disappear.
- Images in the help information popup now always stay within the frames of the window.
- If you put a filter on a matrix in a report that was not shown in the report you got an error.
- A Word export with a matrix could give an error under certain circumstances.
- The text of some buttons was always shown in Dutch.
- For a large number of images attached to one question in an Excel export, the positioning was incorrect. A lot of white space appeared between the images.
- When revising and directly saving the properties of a form type, permissions could duplicate and disappear.
- Moving multiple questions in a report or options in a list at the same time did not work well.
- Saving a form gave an error if there was a very large number of new attachments.
- Under certain circumstances, a formula could incorrectly have “Copy value from question” set while this option is not visible.
- The option min. and max. characters have been removed from text questions of format e-mail. They were shown here, but did not work.
The display of some features has been changed:
- A message copied to a question is now displayed in a text question frame.
- The error pages have changed.
- The “toast” notifications (for example, the “Saved notification” that slides into the screen) have changed.
- The preview of attachments no longer opens when you hover the cursor over it, but there is a button to open the preview.