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Comm’ant X release notes


Date: juli 2023



Improvements and bug fixes: for all users
1 Search result documents
In some situations, searching above the navigation menu produced duplicate results at Documents. This has been adjusted and resolved.
2 Handling incorrect login attempt
In occurring situations, an incorrect login attempt resulted in an error message that prevented login. (This did not apply to systems equipped with Single Sign-On (SSO)). This has been adjusted and resolved.



Improvements and bug fixes: for developers
1 Editing Drawings
On occasion, when modifying Drawings, especially when moving links led to a disturbing error message. This has been adjusted and solved.
2 Reuse of input/output in 1 process
In appropriate cases, adding information flows already in use in the process in question led to a disrupted process diagram. Adding new activities also did not give the desired result in certain scenarios. This has been adjusted and solved.
3 Naming of roles: policy changed
Within the Comm’ant management system it is in principle not possible to create 2 objects of the same type with the same name. For roles, an exception will be made from now on.
4 Linking forms and form reports
In common situations, linking multiple forms or form reports to objects in the management system did not lead to the desired result. This has been adjusted and resolved.


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