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Comm’ant X release notes


Date: june 2023


Improvements and bug fixes: for all users
1 Searching in the Czech language
For multilingual systems equipped with the Czech language, the search function did not always result in the desired results. This has been adjusted and solved.



Improvements and bug fixes: for developers
1 Content Import & Export.
With this release, tools have become available to import special selections of content from other Comm’ant projects (or libraries). It is also possible – with the necessary preparations – to import information from external lists. Are you interested in the possibilities? Then contact your regular contact person or send an email to
2 Disconnecting from input/output and document
On occasion, disconnecting a process or activity from an input/output or document resulted in an error message or screen freeze. That has been adjusted and resolved. That has been adjusted and resolved.
3 Opening a 2nd tab from an email
In occurring cases, opening an additional tab in the browser, as a result of opening link from an email message resulted in the search no longer functioning in the first tab.
4 Uploading a 2nd version of a document with a long name
In common situations, if the name of a document object is longer than 150 characters, it was not possible to upload a new document to a document object. This has been modified and fixed.
5 Deleting an object that has not yet been saved
When deleting an object where a change had first been applied but not yet saved, it resulted in the object not being deleted after all. This has been modified and fixed.


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