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Release notes Comm’ant X v10.0.44

(april 2021)

New developments

1 Tool: Search & Replace

For users with the Application Manager profile, the new Search & Replace tool is available. With this tool you can easily search and replace text (words and text fragments) throughout the management system. A separate manual is available for the use of this tool.

You can find the tool via the button Home > Tools > Search and replace:

2 Report: Document owner

As of version 10.0.44, a new report is available that shows at a glance the relationship between documents and the roles associated with them.

You can find the report via menu item Documents > Reports > Document owner:

3 Enhanced security measures

The security of the management system has been taken in hand at various points. For example, the ability to upload document types has been tightened.

You can now upload the following file types:


If you are missing a specific file type, we may be able to make an exception for your application, in consultation.

4 Report: All Comments

As of version 10.0.44, a new report is available that provides an overview of all comments and remarks left by users on objects in the system.
You will find the report via the Home > Reports > All Comments button.

You can filter by period and exclude object types if necessary.

5 Comm’ant Forms favorites (for users of the Comm’ant Forms module only)

Added to the Forms menu is the “My Favorites” option that allows the user to quickly navigate to his/her favorite form, form report or dashboard.

6 Sending e-mail: defining default addressee(s)

The application manager can now use the configuration page to define which officials should be included by default in the ON and CC fields when a user wants to send an email reference to an object from the Comm’ant system.

The user can always delete these default addressees, if necessary.

In addition, the user sending the message is now included in the CC field by default.


Enhancements and bug fixes: Comm’ant X Process

1 Sorting of roles in connections
The sorting of roles in connections was not logical in some situations. The sorting is now always alphabetical unless the special sorting index for a role is used.
2 Sorting of objects in the main menu
The sorting of some object types (such as Performance Indicators and  Requirements) was not logical in some situations. The sorting is now always alphabetical unless the special sorting index for an object is used.
3 Report: Deleted Objects
In some situations, the “Deleted Objects” report displayed a maximum of 5 objects, although more had been deleted in the selected period. This has been resolved.
4 Deleting uploaded images
It is now possible to delete previously uploaded images used to include in an object description from the image overview. To delete an image, click on the desired image in the image overview and then click the delete button ( X ).
5 Copy to clipboard
In some situations (e.g. after inspecting a report) the “Copy to clipboard” function no longer worked correctly. This has been fixed.
6 Double-click on external reference
If a reference to an external source was created in the object type “Documents / Links”, the double-click functionality worked incorrectly in some views. This has been fixed.
7 Layout Firefox improved
In the Firefox browser, the display differed in some situations from other browsers, such as Chrome and Edge. The display in Firefox has been improved.
8 Copy and paste URL
Copying and pasting an address from the address bar did not give the desired result in some situations. This has been fixed.
9 Searching with special punctuation marks
When using special punctuation in the search window, the desired search result did not always come up. This has been fixed.
10 Roles visible / hidden for users
Roles where it is indicated that they should be hidden from regular users are now always visible to developers in development mode in all relevant views.
11 Images in the descriptions
In a process view with an extra column for (for example) the description of the output, the images are filtered out of the view and replaced by the word [image]. If the user hovers the mouse over the word [image], the image is still visible. This prevents the image from breaking out of the process view.
12 Connect boxes closed by default
It is now possible for users who are logging in for the first time, to initially see the connect boxes below an object in the closed state. Double-clicking on the title of a connect box will open it up. The system remembers which position (open or closed) the user last used. If you would like the connect boxes to be displayed in closed position by default the first time they are used, we can set this up for you. Please contact for this.

13 Tool “Valid Until”
In some situations, the “Valid Until” tool did not function correctly when run over the complete management system (from the home page). This has been fixed.
14 Users and sessions statistics report
In the display of the Users and Sessions report, it could happen that users duplicated (with different functions). This has been adjusted. The user is now shown once with his/her current function(s).
15 Primary / preferred function
If a (new) user was linked to a (first) function this function was not immediately marked as a preferred function. If this user has development rights and should be automatically linked to newly created objects, this linkage did not occur. This has been fixed.
16 Double-click on document displayed in “Relationship table” report
A double-click on a document displayed in a report “Relationship Table” resulted in an error message. This has been fixed.


Enhancements and bug fixes: Comm’ant X Forms

1 Synchronization tools Comm’ant Forms (for application administrators of the Comm’ant Forms module only).
The layout of the different tools for synchronizing users has been improved and provided with explanations.
3 Synchronizing with Comm’ant Forms
If a user was connected to a function that specified that users with this function should be automatically synchronized with Comm’ant Forms, this only happened after clicking Save. Now, synchronization occurs immediately as soon as the corresponding function is linked.
3 New user defaults to English in Comm’ant Forms
Users who were newly added Comm’ant Forms were mistakenly assigned the English language. This has been adjusted. When synchronizing, the default language of Comm’ant Forms is applied.



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