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Comm’ant X release notes


Date: november 2022


Improvements and bug fixes: for all users  


1 Performance procesweergave
In voorkomende gevallen nam het opbouwen van een Hoofdproces of Processchema meer tijd in dan gebruikelijk. Ook nam het opbouwen van verschillende rapportages. De prestaties zijn met deze update flink verbeterd.
2 Performance process view

In some cases, building a Main Process or Process Diagram took more time than usual. Also, building various reports took more time. The performance has been improved significantly with this update.

3 Email address user / employee clickable

It is now possible to click directly on the e-mail address from the page where a user’s / employee’s information is displayed and thus send a new message via the e-mail program (Outlook in many cases).

4 Error message results in switching to core language

If a user experiences an error message (“Oops…”) (e.g. because the requested object no longer exists) and the user is not consulting the system in the core language at that time, he/she was inadvertently switched to the core language. This has been adjusted and resolved.

5 Sorting of Groups in the navigation menu

The automatic alphabetical sorting of Groups in the navigation menu no longer functioned for newly added groups. This has been adjusted and resolved.

6 Searching for users/employees

When searching for users / employees via the search bar above the navigation menu, the desired result was not always presented. This has been adjusted and resolved.

7 Report Not Linked to Processes

On occasion, the “Not linked” report at Processes, did not give the desired result. This has been adjusted and resolved.

8 Dynamic links in extra columns of Process diagram

Occasionally, when displaying a Process Diagram with an additional column for the description of an object, any dynamic links to another object were not displayed correctly. This has been adjusted and resolved.







Improvements and bug fixes: for developers  


1 Deleting a Drawing

In occurring cases, it was not possible to delete an object of type Drawing. This has been modified and resolved.

2 New: “Save and Continue” button.

If a developer makes a change to an object and navigates to another object without saving, a pop-up window will alert the developer that the change has not been saved. An additional button has been added to this window that allows the developer to still save the change and still navigate directly to the desired object or screen.

3 Creating subgroups

In some cases it was not possible to create a subgroup under an existing group via the link boxes. This applied to groups of all object types. This has been adjusted and solved.

4 Creating information flows in process diagram

In some cases it did not seem possible to link the same Flow of Information to different Activities in a Process diagram. After saving, the link was realized, but during development the 2nd instance of the information flow immediately disappeared from view again.  This has been adjusted and solved.

5 Linking Documents via the Linking box of a Group

When adding a new Document to a Group of Documents via the Linking Box, in some cases the document in question appeared twice. This has been adjusted and solved.

6 Disconnecting Processes from Documents

In occurring cases it was not possible to remove any linked Process for a Document, via the relevant Linking box. This has been adjusted and solved.


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