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Business units

In Business Units, regions, divisions, or other types of organizational layouts are presented with images and click grids that, after clicking, lead to the Process chains and Processes. The use of Business Units and the way in which they are implemented differs per organization.

Folder structure/groups

The Business Units folders together represent the classification that was created for your organization when Comm’ant was set up. This division bundles information by region, or division, etc., based on the chosen type of organizational categorization.

When you click on a folder or business unit group in the Navigation menu, the tree structure opens and at the same time, Comm’ant shows the contents of the relevant folder in the Main screen.

You select the contents of the folder by clicking on a Business Unit in the Navigation menu or in the Main screen.

Selected Business Unit

After selecting a Business Unit, Comm’ant displays in the Main Screen all relevant information that is available.

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